What is the U.S. AQI (Air Quality Index)?
The U.S AQI (Air Quality Index) is an index of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used to report daily air quality status. How […]
The U.S AQI (Air Quality Index) is an index of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used to report daily air quality status. How […]
We appreciate the cleanliness of the air and which we breathe. We usually base the knowledge on air polution monitoring records. In Poland, air polution […]
We pay more and more attention to what we breathe. We check the purity of the air, especially in the autumn and winter season, and […]
First time the European Clean Air Day was celebrated in 2019. It was initiated by the ESCA (European Social Science Association) from the Netherlands. The […]
We pay more and more attention to the quality of the air we breathe.We know more about the harmfulness of pollution, we want to monitor […]
Pureti is a photocatalysis technology, activated by UV radiation or sunlight, starts a chemical process that uses oxygen (O2) and air humidity (H2O) to generate […]
The problem of air pollution goes deeper and deeper into social awareness. There are more and more solutions to improve his condition. The innovative Pureti […]
Pureti technology products forms a long-lasting and invisible layer on the glass surface: protects surfaces against the deposition of impurities on the glass surface and […]
Learn about the use of advanced Pureti technology in sports facilities. Improving air qualityAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is responsible for […]