
Let’s check indoor air quality

Let’s check indoor air quality

We pay more and more attention to what we breathe. We check the purity of the air, especially in the autumn and winter season, and we do it even many times during the day.

Knowing that the air is polluted outside, we believe that we breathe clean air in buildings … This belief is, however, deceptive because indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air.

We measure air quality more and more often outdoors, hardly anyone does it indoors.
By closing doors or windows, we are not cut off from the polluted atmosphere in our area. Pollution penetrates inside and we breathe it.

Equipment, furniture, carpets and other items in rooms are sources of additional pollution with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Used chemicals, artificial fragrances (which make us believe that it is clean) can be, and unfortunately usually are, not indifferent to people. VOCs cause respiratory tract, skin and eye allergies, and poison us and our environment.

how is clean the air inside the rooms where we spend a significant part of our lives, we should monitor the quality of this air.
This allows us to react to changing environmental conditions, reduce threats on an ongoing basis and keep it clean.

Such a solution is the use of the advanced air monitoring station TL Flair, which can measure many air quality parameters, allows us to store data and enable its analysis.

TL Flair, has the color display, that graphically shows the results on a large screen with reference to the applicable air purity norm.

The device has the ability to measure various pollutants, thanks to the installation of specialized sensors (the device has two sockets for additional sensors).

Low-cost air quality devices available on the market usually measure only PM dust, and the sensors used in them are not calibrated.

TL Flair, on a large screen, graphically shows the real-time Air Quality

with reference to the applicable air purity standards.

The device has the ability to measure various pollutants, thanks to the installation of specialized sensors (the device has two sockets for additional sensors modules).

TL Flair uses sensitive and calibrated sensors, and the added benefit is that when a sensor reaches the end of its service life (typically 2 years), it is easy to replace (and only). It is not necessary to replace the entire monitoring station to be sure of correct results. In place of the sensor that has lost its calibration, we install a new one.
This is a big saving than the use of integrated devices, where the entire device must be changed after the sensor service life is completed.

TL Flair has optional sensors ready to quick installation according to the user’s needs

AAs a result, TL Flair can change to the users needs and always accurately measure air quality.